Registration and Tuition Policies
Payment and Tuition Policies
Registration fee:
Registration fee is $55 ($10 per additional sibling, if applicable) and must be paid at the time of enrollment before or on the student’s first 1st class day. Student will be unenrolled if this has not been paid before the 1st day of class.
Fall/Spring Tuition Policies:
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month with the exception of August tuition which is collected on the first day of the fall/spring season. After the first day of classes, the first month’s tuition is due upon enrollment. Tuition remains the same whether it’s a long (5 week) or short (3 week) month and regardless of absences, vacations or holidays. There are no makeup classes for holidays, as they are built into the total tuition cost. Current tuition/programming pricing is available on our website.
Summer Tuition:
Summer tuition for enrollments occurring before June 1st: ½ due June 1st and ½ due July 1st. Summer tuition for enrollments occurring after June 1st: ½ due upon enrollment and ½ due on July 1st. Full tuition is due for enrollment after July 1st.
Current tuition/programming pricing is available on our website HERE
Current tuition/programming pricing is available on our website.
No Payment Arrangements
There will be no payment arrangements for balances due or alternate payment dates provided. If we are unable to process payment, then a $25 late fee per week will be assessed on the 3rd of the month.
Tuition Payment Options:
You may set up your account by linking your checking or savings account to auto-draft on the 1st of the month (ACH) or by credit/debit card which will be auto-charged on the 1st of the month.
Tuition Paid via ACH: Tuition will be auto-drafted via ACH on the 1st of the month in addition to any outstanding fees on the account (families are responsible for tracking this via the Studio Director online portal).
Tuition Payment via Credit/Debit Card: Tuition will be auto-charged on the 1st of the month with a 3.3% third party processor fee on the 1st of the month. Any outstanding fees on the account will also be autocharged on the 1st of the month or as they are reconciled (families are responsible for tracking this via online portal).
Tuition Payment by check: All checks will be processed as ACH and must be received 7 days before 1st of the month. Client’s credit card will be charged if the payment is not received. Checks may not be postdated. A credit card must be held on file if you choose to pay by check and if payment is not received 7 days prior to the 1st of the month you are paying we will process payment with your card on file and a 3.3% third party processor fee will be added to your payment total for credit card payments. A $35 non-sufficient funds fee will be added to the account if a check is returned by the bank. You may incur a $25 late fee per week if your account is not up to date.
Refunds, Adjustments, Uncollectable Payments:
Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. There are no refunds or adjustments due to absences or if the proper opt-out/ withdraw channel was not followed. Account balances (tuition or fees) will be sent to collections, at client’s expense, if over 30 days past due, and the student will be unenrolled from all BDS classes. Upon re-enrollment the client must pay a $55 re-enrollment registration fee.
Special Programming:
If you are registered for any special programming at the studio, including but not limited to D&D dance and plays, camps, winter intensives, etc, the same stipulations apply as summer. See details in the summer section.
Account Balances:
All clients should be aware that their account is set to auto-pay. Client gives BDS permission to charge using the payment information on file to pay for any outstanding balance on the account should additional charges be incurred between the 1st and the end of the month. There will be no payment arrangements for balances due or alternate payment dates provided. Client assumes responsibility for any balance on the account and any late fees associated with an outstanding balance. Any unpaid fees accumulated on the account will process with tuition. In the event where your payment is 30 days or more past due, your dancer will be unenrolled on the 31st day and unable to participate in any classes, camps, shows, or competitions/conventions regardless of if they are on company or not. Upon re-registration the $55 registration fee will be reassessed.
Penalty Fees:
A $35 charge will be assessed on all checks or ACH (checking account auto-draft) returned by the bank in addition to a $25 late fee. A $25 late fee will be added to the account EACH WEEK until the late balance is collected, no exceptions.
Past Due Payments:
Statements will not be mailed out. It is the client’s responsibility to be aware of any and all uncharged items and fees to the account and can be found on the online portal. We will attempt to auto process these as we see fit, but late fees will be added per week (see above). Client assumes responsibility for awareness of any balance on the account and any late fees. Account balances will be sent to collections, at the client’s expense, if over 30 days past due, and the student will be unenrolled from all BDS classes. Upon enrollment, the client must pay a $55 re-enrollment fee.
Accounts Set to No Autopay:
If for any reason, your account is set to no autopay, all the policies above are still in effect (with the exception that fees will be autocharged). Penalty fees will still be added to the account for returned checks, non-sufficient funds or credit card declines if your payment is not received in full by the due date. BDS is not responsible for fees and tuition left uncharged due to “no autopay” settings. BDS will not manually process any accounts set to NO autopay, so please be sure to periodically check your account and ensure that fees are drafted to make certain there are no outstanding charges.
Studio Policies:
Class Transition Windows:
At BDS we build in 5 minutes of transition time between classes. For example, if you have an hour class, the last 5 min will be a transition period for the students to get to their next class and for it to start on time.
Class Ages and Policies:
Students must be within the defined age bracket by the 1st day of the semester for which the student is enrolling. If your student turns the minimum age for a class/ program after that time, we will move you to a more age-appropriate class/ program.
Student Restroom Break policy:
Students are expected to go to the bathroom before all classes by either arriving early or in the 5 min class transition window either alone or with parent or representative.
Ages 2-5 Parent Policy:
*Dancers ages 2-5 must have a parent or representative accessible and on sight in the case of needing to go to the bathroom. (This is not applicable for the Creative Arts Academy of Austin program and summer camps*) It is the studio’s policy that any staff or student assistant will not go into the stall with a student and is not responsible to take them. *During summer camps and Creative Arts Academy of Austin, our staff is permitted to take them to the restroom, but WILL NOT be able to assist with any restroom functions including attire.
All students agree to follow the class etiquette and dress code found in the handbook HERE
Makeup classes are encouraged and should be taken within 30 days from when the absence occurs (only applicable during non-recital preparation windows). Classes missed in the fall/spring semester can only be made up in the semester in which they are missed. Ex: Fall classes can only be made up in the fall semester, Spring classes can only be made up in the spring semester and summer classes can only be made up in the summer semester. Note: During recital times, students will not be able to drop into a recital class, only non- recital class. Additionally, classes missed during the scheduled closures are already factored into the tuition pricing and are not eligible for makeups. https://www.balancedancestudios.com/makeup-class-request/.
Inclement weather policy:
You will be notified via email if there are closures due to inclement weather.
Canceling class due to unforeseen circumstances:
Should BDS be forced to cancel classes due to Instances of inclement weather or natural disaster or uncontrollable, unforeseeable circumstances (power outage, government mandated closure,construction issues, ect.), refunds will not be issued, however, BDS will make every effort to provide reasonable opportunities for makeup classes.
Your student will not be allowed into the classroom if we do not have this digitally signed waiver.
Performance Classes:
Auto Opt-in for classes deemed performance based classes:
If the class enrolled in is labeled or communicated as a show class in the title and/or on the schedule participants are automatically opted into the show and will be autodrafted fees at the time they are due. Due dates will be communicated in advance. Students who do not wish to participate in the show or pay the fees must move to a non performance based class.
Performance/Costume Fees
Nutcracker Classes:
It is mandatory that all students enrolled in a Nutcracker class participate in the production and production requirements such as dress rehearsals (TBA) slotted for December. There are no refunds or adjustments and the client’s account automatically opts into the performance.
The Nutcracker fees and draft dates:
- Nutcracker Costume fee of $80 per Nutcracker costume auto-drafted on September 16th
- Nutcracker Performance fee of $80/dancer or $100/family auto-drafted on October 16th (includes show video link and 2 tickets/dancer)
*Additional fees may apply if your dancer auditions for a lead role.
All costume and performance fees for any production are NON-REFUNDABLE
Spring Recital Classes:
Enrollments in recital classes are progressive and designed to participate in the May production. Students enrolled in a recital class are expected to perform in the recital. There are no refunds or adjustments and you are automatically opted into the performance and the fees will autodraft.
Spring Recital Fees and Draft Dates:
Fees are auto-drafted if you are enrolled in any recital class. No performance opt outs will be accepted.
- Recital Costume Fee of $80 per recital costume autodrafted on November 18th (Dancers & Dreamers recital fee (D&D Ages 2-5 costumes include a pair of tights).
- Recital Performance Fee of $80/dancer or $100 /family autodrafted on February 14th (includes recital video link and 2 tickets/dancer)
All costume and performance fees for any production are NON-REFUNDABLE
Withdraw Policies
Dropping a class or withdrawing in the fall spring semester: In order to terminate enrollment or drop a class, you must complete the online withdrawal form at least 7 days prior to the 1st of the month in which you wish to withdraw: http://www.
2024-25 Fall/Spring Registration Fees and Discounts
Registration Fee | $55 |
Sibling Registration Fee | $10 |
Sibling Tuition Discount | 5% |
Recital Costume Fee (D&D costume includes a pair of tights) | $80 |
Single/Family Recital Performance Fee (includes recital video link and 2 tickets/dancer) | $80/$100 |
Fall / Spring Monthly Pricing 2024-2025
Drop in rates:
1 hour = $25
1.5 hours = $35
2 hours = $45
August tuition is protated and is auto-drafted on the first day of the fall semester. Tuition is run on the 1st of the month. If the 1st of the month falls on a Sunday or holiday, tuition will be run on the first business day of the month.